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2024 Sponsorships Now Open !

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Become a Sponsor!

 Scroll down for information and packages, and click to submit your expression of interest.

Please contact us for more information : 0439 170 882

  • 2 VIP Event Passes
  • 3m x 3m Trade Space
  • Company exposure on GCCS Facebook leading up to and during the event
  • Company logo exposure on GCCS Website and Online Program

  • 4 VIP Event Passes
  • 3m x 6m Trade Space
  • Company exposure on GCCS Facebook leading up to and during the event
  • MC mentions on PA and Interview on the day
  • Company logo exposure on GCCS Website and Online Program

  • 6 VIP Event Passes
  • 3m x 9m Trade Space
  • Company exposure on GCCS Facebook leading up to and during the event
  • MC mentions on PA and Interview on the day
  • Company logo exposure on GCCS Website and Online Program
  • Trophy naming rights on selected categories
  • Ground Space Signage on key areas


1.Put your business front and centre.
Sponsoring an event gives your business authority in your industry and boosts your credibility.Your brand will be seen throughout various elements of the event and attendees who are eager to learn more about your business will come to find you. Sponsoring an event or trade show can mean a lot more than displaying your logo.

2. Get in front of your target market.
If your business chooses to sponsor an event, 90% of the decision will be based on who is attending the event. And this makes sense. If the event you’re sponsoring is the best fit, you’re likely to have access to thousands of people in your target market, who you can build relationships with.

3. Naming Rights, Brand awareness & media exposure.
Event sponsorship also gives your brand the opportunity to generate awareness, boost the perceived image of your business and gain media exposure. Certain elements of your sponsorship are negotiable. This includes naming rights, when your brand is mentioned and what collateral your brand will be included on.
If there’s an element of the event you can have naming rights to, chances are the media will use this name too. The key to achieving great brand awareness is familiarity.

4. Increase your reach and exposure to new clients, customers and businesses.
Events don’t just have the audience at the Event. Think about all the ways the organisers have promoted the event – social media, magazine and newspaper advertising, radio, emails and possibly even television commercials. As a sponsor your name and logo will potentially be used during these outreach campaigns. It will also be used when approaching other businesses for sponsorship – again increasing your reach and boosting your authority in your industry. 

5. Reconnect with customers and engage with an audience.  
If you’re in a relatively small industry there’s a chance you will have the opportunity to speak with some of your current customers by sponsoring an event. This will give you a great chance to reconnect and get feedback on how your service or product is performing.

6. Generate leads
Events and conference are a great way to generate quality leads because they’re full of people actively interested in learning and improving aspects of their business operations… But new leads don’t just magically appear from sponsoring the event or by standing in your booth. You need to get out there, interact with event attendees and stand out amongst the crowd. You’ll also need a way to store the leads on the day.

7. Deliver great ROI
Sponsoring an event can often be cheaper and have a higher return on investment (ROI) than a TV commercial or other above the line advertising methods. This is because events have a very specific target market.