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2024 Sponsorship Application

Thank you for taking the time to apply for a Sponsorship package. Please scroll down to find the application form.

As a reminder, view our Sponsorship Packages below and see the benefits that will help promote your business in connection with the annual Gold Coast Car Show Event.


Download your waiver here

  • 2 VIP Event Passes
  • 3m x 3m Trade Space
  • Company exposure on GCCS social media platforms leading up to and during the event
  • Company logo exposure on GCCS Website and printed program

  • 4 VIP Event Passes
  • 3m x 6m Trade Space
  • Company exposure on GCCS social media platforms leading up to and during the event
  • MC mentions on PA and Interview on the day
  • Company logo exposure on GCCS Website and printed program

  • 6 VIP Event Passes
  • 3m x 9m Trade Space
  • Company exposure on GCCS social media platforms leading up to and during the event
  • MC mentions on PA and Interview on the day
  • Company logo exposure on GCCS Website and printed program
  • Trophy naming rights on selected categories
  • Ground Space Signage on key areas

2024 Sponsorship Application

Maximum file size: 33.55MB



If you do not agree with the “Terms and Conditions” or pay Site Fees in full, you will not be permitted to enter Mudgeeraba Showgrounds or set up a Site prior or during the Event.

NB: All Exhibitors & Food Stalls will be required to sign & return email the EVENT PARTICIPATION WAIVER, RELEASE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AGREEMENT form prior to attending.

Please note: ALL Exhibitors and Food Vendors enter at their own risk and must have their own Public Liability and submit and return by email the GCCS Event Participation Waiver, Release & Acknowledgement Agreement prior to entering Showgrounds.


1. Stalls must register with the Administration prior to set up. Bump-in is from Thursday 26th to Friday 27th September 2024.

2. Stalls must submit a current Public Liability Certificate & signed Event Participation Waiver, Release & Acknowledgement Agreement form at the time of booking or prior to Bump-in.

3. Stalls must comply with all Food & Safety Law requirements.

4. Stalls must comply with all Electricity Safety Law requirements

5. Stalls must place general waste in the Skip Bins provided (not in the event wheelie bins)

6. Stalls must dispose of their own packaging and cardboard boxes to minimise waste.

7. Stalls with marquee’s will be secured with ground weights to withstand all weather conditions.

8. Stalls structures and equipment are the sole responsibility of the Business or Company owner.

9. Stalls will be allocated ground space based on the application submitted.

10. Stalls will be allocated with ground space and positions will not be negotiable.

11. Stalls must not exceed the ground space booked including drawbars on trailers.

12. Stalls may be re-allocated by Event Management without notice if deemed necessary.

13. Stalls will not have additional structures onsite without approval.


It is a requirement that all the Stall Holders have a current, non-cancellable public liability insurance policy for the duration of the event. This includes the period before and after the event allowing for the preparation, dismantling and removal of all equipment. Please visit insurance to determine and fulfill your insurance requirements with a self-assessment. Information stalls are at a minimum to provide professional indemnity.

IMPORTANT: If you have a policy ..., please obtain a valid Insurance Certificate of Currency, or letter from your insurer or broker, showing that the GOLD COAST CAR SHOW, MUDGEERABA SHOW SOCIETY and THE CITY OF GOLD COAST as being an INTERESTED PARTIE6 on the policy, including the following details: Name of the event, indemnity amount (monetary limit of the policy), period of insurance, name of insurer and policy number.

If you DO NOT have a policy ... please obtain a current non-cancellable public and product liability insurance policy for the duration of the Event and then re-apply. Market Stall Insurance is available for immediate online purchase from certain Insurance Companies.

You will not be able to participate in the Gold Coast Car Show without valid insurance.

The GCCS Event accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any property of the Stall holder brought to the Event; or injury to any person associated with the Stall Holder at the Event.

Any Stall Holder who intends to sell or handle food at the Event is required to be registered under the Food Act 2006.

NB: All Exhibitors & Food Stalls will be required to sign & return email the attached EVENT PARTICIPATION WAIVER, RELEASE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AGREEMENT form prior to attending.


Under the Food Act 2006, food should be protected from contamination according to the requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Please visit http://

Public Health Officers [PHO’s] will monitor the operation of food stalls at The Festival. PHO’s will be available to provide guidance on safe handling of food and enforce food safety standards.

Food handlers must take reasonable precautions to protect food from contamination. Only people directly involved in food preparation, cooking and sale of food are to be permitted into the food stall. Adequate hand washing facilities should be available and utensils and food contact surfaces should be kept clean. Food preparation and storage areas should be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

Temperature Control – Potentially hazardous food should be maintained at 5 C̊ or below or at 60 C̊ or above. Potentially hazardous food is food that has to be kept at safe temperatures to minimise the growth of pathogenic micro-organisms or prevent formation of toxins. Hot food needs to be kept and served at 60 C̊ or above and cold food should be kept refrigerated. Cool rooms can be hired for use on the day and suppliers can be found in the yellow pages. Please contact The Festival Management Office to book a space for your cool room.

For further information on safe handling of food at food stalls, please refer to the relevant fact sheets that can be found on food-safety.

Food stall operators have obligations under the Work Safety Act 2008 to ensure the safe use of gas cylinders and gas appliances. Refer to the “Guidance Note – Gas Safety at Public Events” https:// which includes that stallholders have a fire safety appliance on site such as a suitable fire blanket and fire extinguisher.


1. Smoking is not permitted by Stall Holders whilst in or around their stall.

2. Stall operators have obligations under the Work Safety Act 2008 to manage the health and safety aspects of their stall. Guidance Notes are available for download: public-health/industry-environment/food-safety

3. Please consider your stall layout. Keep all heavy and sharp objects stored properly and ensure any potential slip & trip hazards are moved at all times.



A: Place general waste in Skip Bins (not in the event wheelie bins) and ensure the ground space in your area is always clean and free of rubbish.

Commercial Cardboard & packaging is the responsibility of the Stallholders and is to be taken away at the conclusion of Show. Food Stalls are responsible for the area around their stall and for disposing of all waste including cooking oils at the conclusion of the Event.

B. Stallholders are required to comply with QLD recycle policy guidelines to separate bottles, cans, cardboard, oil, etc.


Temporary electrical installation and distribution on site is carried out by a contracted electrician. All Stallholders must pay for power use. Priority is given to Food Vendors. Limited power available for Trade Sites and it must be requested and approved prior.

It is important that all electrical appliances are tested and tagged.

Any faults or power damage failures caused by stall holders due to the under estimation of power required shall be charged to the stall holder. You will be given the exact amount of power that you order on your application form.

3. To ensure quality and safety of power supply, compliance of the following is required:
- Double adaptors are NOT to be used
- Stallholders must provide their own Power Boards [earth leakage circuit breaker or power leads for distribution of power to their allocated power point [certified tags required
- Electricians will make appliance consumption checks for compliance of your Food Stall
- Failure to list your exact power requirements may result in insufficient power [blackouts]

4. Your honesty and accuracy will allow for sufficient power supply. Faulty equipment will be removed. Cold rooms will not be placed near stalls. Vehicles will not be parked on access roads.


1. The Event Management of Gold Coast Car Show does not accept any liability for any kind of weather conditions being inclement or other. If a risk assessment deems it necessary for the Event to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances beyond the Event Managements control, there will be no refunds under any circumstances.

8. BUMP-IN : Bump-in from 9.00am-5.00pm Thursday 26th or Friday 27th September 2024.

NB: Latecomers will not be guaranteed access to their site if positioning is too difficult after the set bump in times expire. Alternative arrangements for a new site will be made by the Event Management if deemed necessary. There will be no refunds if the Stall Holder is not satisfied with the relocation due to his/her late arrival. The Stall Holder may choose to trade or vacate at their own discretion and at their own expense.

All Stalls must OPEN from 9.00am-8.00pm SATURDAY

All Stalls must CLOSE by 8.00pm on SATURDAY

All Stalls must OPEN from 7.00am-3.00pm SUNDAY

All Stalls must CLOSE by 4.00pm SUNDAY

All Stalls must VACATE the Mudgeeraba Showgrounds by 5.00pm SUNDAY 29th September 2024 after the event.

Food Stall deliveries or any stall vehicle will not be allowed access on site after 8.00am SATURDAY 28th September 2024 or after 7.00am on SUNDAY 29th September 2024. Lock-down times are enforced for public safety and insurance liabilities.

6. All Stalls must take their own garbage away by the close of the event on SUNDAY 29th September 2024.

7. All Stalls must take all equipment and belongings away upon vacating Showgrounds after the Event.

8. Parking of stall holder vehicles on the Event site is strictly not allowed other than for unloading or loading equipment at specified times. Parking inspectors will be on site.

9. Stallholders must take reasonable care to avoid causing injury, loss, or damage to themselves or to other persons or property whilst attending the Gold Coast Car Show.


1. The Stall holders reserve the right to non-attendance or make a cancellation for whatever reason and therefore will forfeit the site fee at their own expense. There are no refunds offered by East Coast Event Management for any occurrence including unfavorable weather conditions as stated in Clause 7 under WEATHER.


1. All Stallholders and personnel must behave civilly and responsibly. Any Stallholders (or their agents) deemed to be in breach of this requirement, or in breach of Event Conditions will be asked to leave the premises with immediate effect.


The Stall Holder consents to the Event Management Staff taking photo or video images and recordings of the Stall holder and their stall during and after the Event, for promotion and reporting of this Event and future Events in any media.

The Stallholders agree to abide by the outlined Trading Terms & Conditions and does so by submitting the online Application or Food Vendor Application


The usual provisions of Force Majeur apply for circumstances that are beyond the direct control of East Coast Event Management. (e.g event cancellations due to factors beyond our control). Please note that the Mudgeeraba Show Society have the right to also cancel any event conducted on the premises if the site conditions are unsuitable or the safety of patrons at the event is considered a risk.


While reasonable care is taken in the preparation of these Terms & Conditions, the Event does not guarantee or warrant the completeness or currency of the information on this schedule or its usefulness in achieving any purpose. Information on this schedule should not be used without validating that information from appropriate sources and obtaining professional advice where it is prudent to do so. You should make and rely upon your own assessments and enquiries to verify the accuracy of the information provided.

I have read the Terms and Conditions and by Booking a Food Site or Trade Site with East Coast Event Management I agree to be bound by the requirements and responsibilities therein. I acknowledge that the Mudgeeraba Showgrounds is a leasehold facility owned by the City of Gold Coast which is under control of the Mudgeeraba Show Society leasee and that as a Governing Body, the Council may deny use, or determine conditions of use, that override that the Mudgeeraba Showgrounds lies within the Gurrangumbah flood plain and that the grounds may be subject to inundation from time to time during extreme events. I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions as specified. As this is an important document, I have exercised my right to seek independent professional advice before signing as the person responsible.


The Gold Coast Car Show will be presented as a Covid-Safe Event, under the approval of Queensland Health.

Businesses must comply with all relevant Public Health Directions applicable to them.

Vendors should offer customers a contact-less payment option if possible.

Our Administration Team will be available to assist vendors with Covid-Safe guidelines if required.

If the Gold Coast Car Show cannot proceed due to a lockdown or any other Government changes or requirements, all booking fees will be rolled forward to a re-schedule date.


